Almost all CAD applications support import of industry standard pointcloud formats. Since this D5 unit is outputting some of these (stl & xyz) then yea it is expected that you should have no problems with importing a point cloud into your cad app.
The part where you build the structure in 3d or 2d or 2d/3d hybrid and make floor plans is of coarse something you will have to do yourself in your car app, referencing the pointcloud data that you import from your D5.
Keep in mind that this device (which looks awesome and I’m going to purchase soon) probably doesn’t have advanced features of very expensive scanners like GPS and tagging, so you will have to manually combine your point clouds if you have multiple scans.
And again, point clouds are not models, they are coordinates (data) which you can use as a visual reference to model/draw the environment that you scanned.
Hope that helps.