Lastest Update: 23th Oct. 2023

Currently, we hold the following granted patents behind our innovated 3D-LiDAR. We also hold many patent-in-applications in major regions. Our patent portofolio are covering the fundamental laser scanning actuator, LiDAR optics, as well as single photon detection schemes.

Dolphin D5 lite, the world-first long range 3D-LiDAR powered by USB is also protected by the US patents, for example, USP10324184B, USP10878984B, but not limited to.

Patent Numbers
JP6518959B JP6519033B JP6521164B JP6521551B
JP6541165B JP6651110B JP6651111B JP6685569B
JP6830698B JP7097647B JP7097648B USP10324184B
USP10620314B USP10852431B USP10878984B USP11275157B

Dolphin is our registered trademark in Japan. 度逢 is our registered trademark in Japan and China.